Postcard size wedding photo booth prints.
Everyone loves the nostalgia of the 2×6 photo strips from days gone by. But lets face it sometimes you want to make a bigger statement with your photos. That’s when the 4×6 wedding photo booth print shines. There is so much more real estate on a 4×6 print to allow for a great Thank You message or for some sweet words to your guests. There is also more room for multiple image layouts or just one large gorgeous print.
Vertical post card wedding photo booth print.
Brides seem to love this wedding photo booth print option! Rather then a horizontal image, we capture a vertical shot that shows more of everyones outfit! So much fun! This way you can capture the majority of your gorgeous wedding dress! Three vertical images also look amazing on the 4×6 print. Classy and full of punch.
The full 4×6 wedding photo booth print!
If your goal is to provide your wedding photo booth print as your keepsake, then the full 4×6 print is the best choice! Big, beautiful gorgeous prints. Opt for our Black and White Hollywood filter and make a truly lasting impression. You can even provide a frame with a pre printed Thank You message to your guests and leave them on each place setting. This is a stunning way to say Thank You!
The 4 corners wedding photo booth print!
This has been one of our most popular wedding photo booth print templates. It provides the best of both worlds! You still get 4 fun shots, but they are all twice as big as they would be on a 2×6 strip. Some guests figure it out and create a story using the four corners – so creative! We’ve seen some pretty cool things using this layout.The three photo wedding photo booth print.
The 3 photo wedding photo booth print!
This is fast becoming on of our more popular layouts. With lots of room for some meaningful Thank You messages and a a single big, bold photo with two smaller ones for the fun factor. This layout is great when left super clean and modern with lots of white space.